Ceylon Beaten Track
Some Opinoins Of the Book
A uniform excellence in writing and material makes it perhaps the best travel book in Ceylon so far written.
''It is difficult to analyse how Mr. Keble achives his purpose apparently with very litte effort. A chance conversation with an inhabitant", a guide's passing remark, a shrewd commentary of a visitor, a thumb-nail sketch of a bystanderthses are often worked into a lasting impression of a place against the background of history and island lore that is not easy to forget.. History sounds like reminiscence so spontaneous is the switch-back to the past... Mr Keble not only sees vistas with the naked eye without tempted to adopt secondhand impressions, but he also gives you brief glimpses of vision recreation the past. For instance he pictures Mihintale in its prime as a great hill-city of monks....''
Author | W T Keble (2) |
Publisher | සූරිය ප්රකාශකයෝ Sooriya Publisher (464) |
ISBN | 9789558425275 |
පිටු ගණන | 336 |
දැනට මුද්රණයේ පවතී ද? | මුද්රණයේ පවති - In Print |